(Danish below)
In collaboration with The Danish-Ukranian Youth House we are now ready to reintroduce weekly reading groups in English. We have found a new location in Ungdommens Demokratihus in the Center of Vesterbro, Copenhagen, where we’ll meet and read together every Wednesday from 17.30-19.00. Together, we will step into a poetic space where thoughts can flow freely while remaining firmly anchored in the shared texts.
No preparation is required to participate in this group and particular knowledge about literature is by no means necessary to have a meaningful experience. A Reader Leader will each week bring novel-extracts, short stories and poems from around the globe, which we will read aloud, before discussing the thoughts, feelings and images that reveal themselves to us.
While the conversations are rooted in the literature, shared reading is a great way to connect with others, to be a part of meaningful conversations and hopefully to bridge some of the gaps separating us across national, cultural and social lines. The sessions last between 1 and 1-1/2 hours, the reading group is open for everyone interested – foreigners and Danish-speakers alike – and the reading and conversations will be in english.
Where: Ungdommens Demokratihus, Slagtehusgade 10A, 1715 København V
When: Wednesdays at 17.30-19.00, starting on the 1st of February
How: To participate, you must sign-up in advance by sending an email to reader leader Shaun Butters. You can check out the Facebook-event here.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. Please share if you know someone for whom this may be of interest.
Guidet fælleslæsning på engelsk i Ungdommens Demokratihus
Fra 1. februar 2023 fortsætter vi med ugentlige guidede fælleslæsninger på engelsk i Ungdommens Demokratihus i Kødbyen på Vesterbro. I samarbejde med det Dansk-Ukrainske Ungdomshus tilbyder vi endnu engang præstationsfrie fælleslæsninger med plads til meningsfulde samtaler og til at dele alt det, der rører sig med udgangspunkt i skønlitteraturen. Vi læser tekster fra hele verden og både oplæsning og samtale foregår på engelsk og alle er velkomne.
Hvor Ungdommens Demokratihus, Slagtehusgade 10A, 1715 København V
Hvornår Onsdage fra kl. 17.30-19.00 med opstart d. 1. februar
Hvordan For at tilmelde dig, skal du sende en mail til læseguide Shaun Butters. Du kan også se Facebook-eventet her.
Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål må du endelig kontakte os. Vi glæder os til at læse med dig!