On 4 Thursdays in March Læseforeningen presents shared reading groups in English, where both Danes and foreigners meet to share, discuss and enjoy literature. The reading groups will be facilitated by Læseforeningen-ambassador Shaun, who himself is a Copenhagen-based American.
Slightly different from other types of reading groups, in this group you don’t need any preparation to participate. As a facilitator Shaun will each week bring novel-extracts, short stories and poems from around the globe, which we will read aloud and stop at various points in the text to discuss the thoughts, feelings, images etc. that reveal themselves to the participants as readers.
While the discussions are rooted in the literature, shared reading is a great way to connect with others, to be a part of meaningful conversations and hopefully to bridge some of the gaps separating us across national, cultural and social lines. Each group consists of max. 12 people. The sessions last between 1 and 1-1/2 hours.
Where: KBH+, Emblasgade 175, 2100 København Ø
When: 4 Thursday evenings in March - 03/03, 10/03, 17/03 and 24/03 from kl. 19:00 – 20:30.
Both dates, times and place is subject to change – once Shaun has got the info from potential participants, he will try to find timeslots and reading spaces that work best for all those interested.
How: To participate, you must sign-up in advance by sending Shaun an email at:
To provide continuity and make the most out of the shared reading experience, you need to be able to participate in at least 3 of 4 sessions.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Shaun on phonenumber 22774986. Please share if you know someone for whom this may be of interest.
Læseforeningen afholder over fire torsdage i marts læsegrupper på engelsk for alle dem i og i nærheden af København, der har lyst til at mødes for at læse sammen og have meningsfulde samtaler på tværs af nationale, kulturelle og sociale skel med udgangspunkt i god litteratur. Det kræver ingen forberedelse at deltage.
Hvor: KBH+, Emblasgade 175, 1. sal, 2100 København Ø
Hvornår: torsdag d. 03/03, 10/3, 17/3 og 24/3 fra kl. 19-20:30
Tilmelding: for tilmelding kontakt Shaun på
Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Shaun på tlf: 22774986.